January 2002


The holiday season is over, Santa has made it back to the North Pole, and we’re all on a diet. While we’re beginning the New Year, it’s time to mention some dates.

March will be a very busy month for everyone. The March dates are in bold type to help you adjust your calendar.



Due to some very hard work and many hours spent, River Trails District has achieved the status of QUALITY DISTRICT! Our professional Scouters, along with our District Commissioner Dave Rolfing, our District Membership Chairman Gary Stephans, the Unit Commissioners and many other Scouters and the heads of some of the Chartering Organizations have made this happen.

They are to be congratulated on their efforts above and beyond their responsibilities. We are all proud to be a part of this achievement.



You still have time to make reservations for the District Awards Dinner. The event will be held this year at the Knights of Columbus Hall in DeSoto on January 26, 2002. This is for all Scouters and their spouses’, so please bring your wife or husband. (No children please!!) This is an adult function.

If you haven’t received your invitation yet, call Julia Mahoney at (636) 274-7016.



The training will be held at the Windsor High School Cafeteria. If you have leaders in your unit that have not been to a training session, this is the best way to help them understand the way a Unit works.

On March 9, 2002, registration will begin at 8:00am and the course will end at app. 2:00pm. The fee will be $12.00, which will include a "Cub Scout Leader Book" and a 3 ring binder to hold the book and all the handouts.

Be sure you know which part of the course you will be attending because each phase of Pack leadership will be offered. For example, if you are a new Den Leader, you would want to attend the Den Leader section. If you are now a Den Leader and are going to assume the responsibility of Asst. Cubmaster, you would want to attend the Cubmaster section.



As an extension of Leader Training, this is one of the best ways to meet other leaders from all over our Council. The presenters come from all Districts and are volunteers like us.

This course is open for all registered Scouters and has varying times for the different courses. There is a registration form in the Duffle Bag and a form can be downloaded and printed from the River Trails website (http://www.homestead.com/rivertrailsdistrict/index.html).

The date is set for March 23, 2002 at the Maritz South Campus Building. The cost is $10.00 per person. Presentations will begin at 8:30am and run until 4:30pm. For more information, call Greater St. Louis Area Council offices at (314) 361-0600.

There cannot be enough said about the benefits of this program here. Plan on attending and find out for yourself.

Bring a sack lunch!!



The next step in adult leader training is the Woodbadge course, held in our Council twice yearly. This course compliments your other training. Lots of people are signing up, but there is still time to get your reservation in.

Be sure to pick up your information forms at the handout table. If you have lost your form or need another, see the Duffle Bag or call the Service Center or call George Garver at (636) 475-3601.

There are scholarships available to help pay for Wood Badge. Call the Service Center, (314) 361-0600, for information.



(Tales of the Sea)

As we enter the New Year, Day Camp is going to be here before we know it. As pack leaders, you need to find out which of your Den’s parents could be counted on to represent your Pack at Day Camp.

As most of you remember, each unit must provide leadership for Day Camps. If parents know ahead of time, they can arrange for days off from work, vacation days and set up their summer schedule ahead of time.

There will be an all staff meeting on March 16 to help camp personnel become acquainted with the Day Camp theme and projects. There will be a qualifying course for archery and bb’s so each camp will have a certified instructor. Volunteers need to be reminded of this course. Each Camp should have at least 2 qualified instructors for each of the activities.

The Hillsboro Day Camp will be an evening camp so that parents who work day shift can attend with their boys or possibly be a Day Camp Leader.



Recharter day for the District is March 2, 2002 and will be at the Windsor Middle School Cafeteria. The times are 9:00am to 12:00noon. Each unit should have been in touch with their Unit Commissioner and have gone over their paper work to be sure everything is in order for the recharter.

As you know, River Trails District Units recharters’ are due at Council no later than March 15; that is why the date of March 2 is picked. The Commissioner Staff will be on hand to go over your charter and, hopefully, will discover and correct any mistakes that might be made.

If there are any questions about the procedure, call Dave Rolfing, (District Commissioner) at (636) 464-5104.



As we find new and interesting websites, we’ll pass them along. You may find that some of them will help give you good ideas for projects for your den or unit.

Missouri Department of Natural Resources: www.dnr.state.mo.us has many useful ideas for Leaders.

To see the Greater St. Louis Area Council’s website, type in www.stlbsa.org for updates on Council sponsored activities. The Council newsletter, "The Duffle Bag" can also be downloaded from this site.



The District Pinewood Derby will be on March 16. Weigh-in will begin at 10:30 am and the races should be over by 4:00pm.

The place and rules will be announced soon. Some changes will be made, but that information will be announced at the same time.



This is just a reminder that February 3 - 9 is Scout Week. This is the week for all units to promote a display in store windows or schools. Scouting is 92 years old and Scout Week has been set aside to help remind everyone that the program has not changed in its aims and methods.

Most Blue and Gold banquets are planned for sometime in February to promote advancements and fellowship within the unit. Some units hold their pinewood derby (or other activity) during this time. Although each unit picks it’s own theme, remember to mention that this is the week set aside to honor the founders of the Scouting program.

Scout Sunday is February 3 and Scout Sabbath is February 8. If you can, arrange with your minister for your den or pack to do a service for the church of your choice. A flag ceremony is always a good idea.

Whatever the activity, take pictures and send the information to the Service Center for acknowledgement of your service.



Webelos will soon be graduating into Boy Scouts. As a Webelos leader, communicate with the Scoutmaster what you would like to achieve with your visit.

The first impression of a troop will be very important to a Cub Scout. It’s easier to make a good impression than to correct a bad experience. Good idea: visit the troop while they are camping and having fun!