Training of adult leaders begins with Faststart training and youth protection.  Both of these are availalble online thru the GSLAC web site.

Cub Scout Faststart training                            Youth Protection training
Boy Scout Faststart training                            Commissioner training
Wood Badge is advanced training for adult leaders in Scouting.  It is designed to enhance contemporary leadership skills and develop more effective Scouters.  The Wood Badge program will give participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods, while developing true Scout Spirit.  It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.
Wood Badge is an exciting and challenging way to learn new leadership skills and use them in your scouting position. These leadership skills can easily be applied within your profession or trade.
River Trails District / Training Info
Wood Badge is advanced training for adult leaders in Scouting.  It is designed to enhance contemporary leadership skills and develop more effective Scouters.  The Wood Badge program will give participants a greater understanding of Scouting aims and methods, while developing true Scout Spirit.  It is anticipated that all people who complete Wood Badge training will continue to work actively in the Scouting program to further the aims and methods of Scouting.
Wood Badge is an exciting and challenging way to learn new leadership skills and use them in your scouting position. These leadership skills can easily be applied within your profession or trade.
Training of adult leaders begins with Faststart training and youth protection.  Both of these are availalble online thru the GSLAC web site.

Cub Scout Faststart training                            Youth Protection training
Boy Scout Faststart training                            Commissioner training
2004 dates for fall session of Basic leader Training.
Contact Julia Nicholas
Home Phone - 314-275-8588
Work Phone  - 636-827-8799
Cell Phone    - 314-616-4069

Participant Training Dates: (Staff to arrive ½ hour early)

September 22nd  - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

September 25th  -  8:00am to 6:00pm

September 29th  - 7:00pm to 9:00pm (Youth Protection)

Leader Outdoor Experience:

October 9th & 10th  - arrive 7:00am on the 9th
and depart approx. 2pm on the 10th.

(Staff arrived evening of October 8th)
